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Tick Tock: The ‘legal fiction’ of being billed in six-minute increments

A ‘legal fiction’ is a concept in law where something is assumed to be true, even though it may not be true in reality. One common example of legal fiction is the notion of an incorporation, where a company is ‘born’ and treated as a separate legal entity from its owners.

Another example of legal fiction is the practice of billing in six-minute increments.

While lawyers do need to keep track of their time in order to be compensated for their work, billing in six-minute increments assumes that every task takes at least six minutes to complete. This can be frustrating and costly for clients who might otherwise think they are only paying for the time actually spent on their case.

For example, if a lawyer bills in six-minute increments and spends just two minutes sending a quick email, the client could be charged for the full six minutes. With an hourly rate that can be hundreds of dollars per hour, this can add up quickly and result in a higher bill than the client was expecting. There is even retainer letters out there that seek a minimum of 12 minutes for some tasks… yikes!

However, despite the clear benefit of not being charged for any more time than needed, it’s surprising how many clients are still either used to, or not aware of, the traditional practice of billing in six-minute increments. Many people don’t realize that they could be saving money by simply picking a legal services provider that bills in real-time. It’s just another example of how some traditional legal practices become so entrenched that it can be hard to imagine doing things any other way, even if it’s a better option.

Law Savvy believes it’s important to educate clients about their billing options and offer transparency about the value they receive. Law Savvy has made the conscious decision to do what it believes to be fair and charge clients in real-time – meaning only for the exact amount of time spent on a task.

At the end of the day, time is money and it’s important to choose a legal services provider that values both your time and your money. Always ask a potential legal services provider about their billing practices to ensure you’re getting the best value for your investment.

Remember, just because something is a legal fiction, doesn’t mean it’s the best option for you!

Drafted with the help of ChatGPT