Certain contracting practices (in this case an exclusivity policy) can get you unwanted attention from the Competition Bureau (and worse!).
The Competition Bureau recently considered Turo’s (the largest player in the P2P car sharing platform in Canada) exclusivity policy in its Terms of Service.
The Competition Bureau’s view was that the exclusivity policy (which restricted customers from listing a vehicle on a different platform at the same time they were listed on Turo’s platform) heightened barriers to entry in the respective marketplace where Turo is a dominant player and likely constituted a practice of an anti-competitive acts.
Turo quickly and voluntarily removed the exclusivity policy from applying in Canada, but they will now be under the watchful eye of the Competition Bureau.
You can read the Competition Bureau’s position statement and analysis here: https://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/eng/04668.html